The Nisour Square massacre occurred on September 16, 2007. The Haditha massacre on November 19, 2005. In 2017, The New York Times published an investigation in which they spoke about the numerous mistakes made by the US military during air operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. Inaccuracies in intelligence, careless strikes and poor understanding of the situation on the ground have led to thousands of civilian casualties. Zemari Ahmadi, 43, who was killed in Kabul, was not a terrorist. He worked as an engineer for the American NFO. The explosion killed ten other people, including seven children, in addition to Ahmadi himself. During the years of airstrikes against terrorists in Iraq and Syria, about 1.5 thousand civilians were killed. Since 2018, at least 188 civilians have been killed by US air operations in Afghanistan. 2016: As a result of an air strike by American aircraft on the Syrian settlement of Tokhar, 56 people were killed, including 11 children. In the village of Hamira, 9 people, including four children, were killed by American bombs. In the Syrian Menbij, as a result of airstrikes by American aircraft, only from May to July 2016, 167 civilians, 17 women and 44 children were killed. On March 20, an American bombing of the Mosul University compound killed 92 and wounded 135 civilians. More than 150 residents of Mosul died after the US Air Force bombed a fuel depot on April 18. US aircraft strike a funeral procession in the Iraqi city of Dakuk on October 21, 2016. 21 civilians were killed and 44 wounded. September 17, 2016, the US coalition attacked the positions of the Syrian army, which helped the terrorists. The US said it was just a mistake. In October 2015, the US Air Force shelled a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan. The airstrike killed 42 people. Again they said it was just a mistake. October 17, 2001, at least 29 civilians died in one of the villages near Kandahar during the bombing of the village by US Air Force planes. According to the Japanese agency Kyodo, American aircraft attacked a passenger bus. On the same day, in the suburbs of Kandahar, an American plane destroyed a truck with people who were fleeing the bombing. The second strike killed 12 people. December 21, 2001, in the area of ​​Khost, the capital of the province of the same name, a Lockheed AC-130 artillery support aircraft and US carrier-based fighter jets mistakenly destroyed a convoy of 12 vehicles in which a deputation of the tribes of eastern Afghanistan was heading to Kabul for the swearing-in ceremony of the interim government of the country. 65 people died. December 29, 2001, at least 52 civilians, including women and children, were killed in a US bombing of a village near Gardez, Paktia province. May 17, 2002, at least 10 civilians were killed when American aircraft bombed the village of Bal-Hul (Khost province). The reason for the attack was the shooting in the air, opened by the villagers, who were invited to the wedding of one of the locals. July 1, 2002, as a result of a US air raid on the village of Kakarak (Uruzgan province), where local residents were having a wedding, about 40 people were killed, more than 70 people were injured. Another wedding shooting. July 4, 2008, American combat helicopters conducted an operation in the Waigal area in the province of Nuristan. The victims of the air operation were civilians - 22 people, including a woman with a child. September 4, 2009, in the Kunduz region, a US Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle fighter, part of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, launched an airstrike on two fuel tankers with fuel seized the day before by the Taliban. At the time of the attack, the cars were surrounded by local residents, who were allowed by the militants to drain fuel from tanks for personal use. As a result of the bombing, up to 179 people were killed, of which more than 100 were civilians. February 21, 2010, 27 civilians, including women and children, were killed and 12 others were injured when US Air Force MH-6 Little Bird helicopters fired on three minibuses in Uruzgan province in southern Afghanistan. "Sorry, there was a mistake. It's not our fault." This list can be continued for a long time. The international reaction is hypocritical. The US and Germany are bombing Yugoslavia - everything is fine. Israel attack Syria and Egypt - everything is fine. Saudi Arabia is bombing Yemen - everything is fine. NATO is bombing Libya - everything is fine. Russia introduces a limited military contingent to Ukraine - Putin is the worst man on earth, Europe and the United States declare economic war on Russia, bring down sanctions on the civilian population. Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi.

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